More than 400 years after Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe challenged established wisdom about the heavens by analyzing a strange new light in the sky, scientists say they've finally nailed down just what he saw.
It's no big surprise. Scientists have known the light came from a supernova, a huge star explosion. But what kind of supernova?
A new study confirms that, as expected, it was the common kind that involves the thermonuclear explosion of a white dwarf star with a nearby companion.
The research, which analyzed a "light echo" from the long-ago event, is presented in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature by scientists in Germany, Japan and the Netherlands.
The story of what's commonly called Tycho's supernova began on Nov. 11, 1572, when Brahe was astonished to see what he thought was a brilliant new star in the constellation Cassiopeia. The light eventually became as bright as Venus and could be seen for two weeks in broad daylight. After 16 months, it disappeared.
Working before telescopes were invented, Brahe documented with precision that unlike the moon and the planets, the light's position didn't move in relation to the stars. That meant it lay far beyond the moon. That was a shock to the contemporary view that the distant heavens were perfect and unchanging.
The event inspired Brahe to commit himself further to studying the stars, launching a career of meticulous observations that helped lay the foundations of early modern astronomy, said Michael Shank, a professor of the history of science at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
The direct light from the supernova swept past Earth long ago. But some of it struck dust clouds in deep space, causing them to brighten. That "light echo" was still observable, and the new study was based on analyzing the wavelengths of light from that.
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Study illuminates star explosion from 16th century
Posted by haSan faTula at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: Informations, Research
Dua pelajar Kolej Perubatan bersiar siar kat bandar. Mereka terserempak dengan seorang tua jalan terkangkang-kangkang.
Pelajar A kata "Orang tua tu tentu mengidap Sindrom Petry" Pelajar B pulak kata " Tak lah, dia mengidap Sindrom Zovitzki" Mereka hampir bergaduh pasal hal ni. Akhirnya pelajar A kata "Apa kata kita tanya je orang tua tu?" Pelajar B pun setuju. Mereka pun menghampiri orang tua itu.
Pelajar A: Kami tengok pak cik jalan terkangkang, boleh kami tahu pak cik mengidap penyakit apa?
Orang Tua: Kamu fikir aku ada penyakit apa?
Pelajar A: Saya fikir pak cik mengidap sindrom petry.
Orang Tua: Emm... bukan.
Pelajar B: Kalau macam tu, pak cik mesti mengidap sindrom Zovitzki.
Orang Tua:...pun bukan.
Pelajar A: Habis tu?
Orang Tua: Emm, sebenarnya aku nak kentut tadi... tapi terberak pulak dalam seluar... sebab tu la aku jalan terkangkang...
Posted by haSan faTula at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: Jokes
Thank You Seven
Hendak dijadikan cerita, ada seorang pemuda yang baru je pandai bercakap Inggeris. Perkataan yang dia tau plak seperti ; ok never mind, thank you, one, two, three, four five, six, seven dan bye-bye
Pada suatu hari pemuda ini bergegas hendak ke tempat kerjanya sebab terlewat, sambil membawa beberapa barang. sedang asyik dia berjalan laju tiba-tiba dia terlanggar seorang mat salleh. Habis jatuh barang yang dibawanya, mat salleh itu pun membantu pemuda itu mengambil barang-barangnya yang jatuh.
Pemuda ; ( inilah peluangku untuk menguji kehebatanku berbahasa inggeris ) katanya dalam hati.
Mat salleh ; Oh, I'm sorry
Pemuda ; It's ok, never min. Thank you.
Mat salleh ; Thank you too.
Pemuda ; ( hmm..lepas two, mesti three ) thank you three.
Mat salleh ; ( hairan ) what for?
Pemuda ; ( four..four hmm five ) thank you five.
Mat salleh ; Are you sick?
Pemuda ; ( alamak, lepas sick.. seven pas aku tak tau dah.. mesti mau cabut ) Sambil mengambil barangnya... pemuda itu pun berteriak dari jauh .. Thank you seveeen! bye-bye .
Mat salleh ; ( bingung )
Posted by haSan faTula at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: Jokes
Sepasang atuk dan nenek yang akhir-akhir ini menjadi pelupa dalam segala hal.. akhirnya pergi menemui doktor.. Dokter mengatakan bahawa secara fizikal mereka sihat saja. Doktor menyarankan agar mereka membiasakan diri untuk menulis apa saja untuk membantu mereka mengingat segala perkara.
Suatu malam kedua atuk dan Nenek tersebut sedang menonton TV...
Nenek : "Mahu kemana?"
Atuk : "Oh aku mahu ke dapur untuk mengambil segelas air"
Nenek : "Kalau begitu.. tolong bawakan aku AISKRIM VANILA"
Atuk : "OK .."
Nenek : "Eh tunggu.. sebaiknya abang tulis dulu supaya tidak lupa"
Atuk : "Ah tidak perlu.. aku ingat... Aiskrim vanila kan?"
Nenek : "Kalau begitu tambahkan strawberry dan krimnya"
Atuk : "Beres ..!!"
Nenek : "Ah sebaiknya tulis semua pesananku itu..nanti pasti abang akan lupa semuanya"
Atuk : "Jangan Bimbang.. aku masih ingat.. Aiskrim vanila.. strawberry dan krimnya bukan?"
Dua puluh minit kemudian Si Atuk datang dan memberikan kepada nenek sepiring daging dan beberapa biji telur rebus.
Nenek :(Dengan wajah terkejut) "Nah, Aku dah kata..abang akan lupa pesananku... sepatutnya ditulis dulu"
Atuk : "Iya ke..? salah ke..? Apa yang kamu pesan tadi?"
Posted by haSan faTula at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: Jokes
Hadith : Amalan yang memanjangkan umur
Dari Abu Umamah r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:
"Dengan berbuat kebaikan akan terhindar daripada kematian yang buruk, bersedekah dengan sembunyi akan menyejukkan kemurkaan Allah dan silaturrahmi iaitu menjalin hubungan yang baik di antara saudara-mara akan memanjangkan umur".Hadith riwayat Tabarani dan Majma uz Zawaid
Dari Anas bin Malik r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:
"Barangsiapa yang ingin umurnya dipanjangkan dan rezekinya ditambahkan, hendaklah dia menjalin hubungan silaturrahmi dengan baik kepada saudara-mara ibubapanya."Hadith dari Musnad Ahmad
Dari Muaz r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:
"Barangsiapa yang berbuat kebaikan kepada kedua ibubapa, berilah berita gembira untuk mereka, yakni Allah Taala akan menambahkan umurnya."Hadith riwayat Hakim
Posted by haSan faTula at 10:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Hadith
2 tiPs tO oWn moTorcYcle foR tHe laZies
oWninG soMethiNg iS ..... buT tO taKe caRe oF tHem iS .... sO foR thE laZieS, iF yoU aRe thiNkinG oF buYinG a moToRcycLe, 2 tiPs ouT of hunDreDs;
- maKe suRe thE motoRcycLe's battEry iS loCated unDer thE seAt beCausE tHe laZies wiLL noT 'baRai' iT tO puT a leSS 0.5L baTTery waTer eVeryYear.
- mAke sUre tHere iS aN inDicatoR fOr 'miNyaK hiTam' oR 'blaCk oiL' oR 'lubriCant' (iS iT tRue) leVel, beCauSe thE laZies wiLL noT oPen tHe 'saTay' liKe pLastiC tO cHeck tHe blaCk oiL levEl eVerY monTh.
Posted by haSan faTula at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tips
soMe atTractinG plaCes iN meLaka
- Taman Rama-Rama Melaka;
- Taman Buaya Melaka;
- Taman Mini Malaysia;
- Taman Mini Asean;
- Taman Mini Asean;
- Muzium Tentera Laut;
Posted by haSan faTula at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Informations, Malaysia, Travel
mE goReng
mE goReng maMak iS oNe oF mY faVouritE fooD. aNy tIme i viSiT maMaK reStaUraNt, i wiLL orDer foR tHis fRieD mEE. yoU caN tRy looOO ... goRenG meAn fRieD. iF yoU beEn goRenG, iT doEsn'T meAn yoU beEn fRied, bUt yOu beEn cheAteD ... waKaKa
Posted by haSan faTula at 10:26 AM 0 comments
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