Asar Lecture by Maulana Ehsan

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Manusia hidup di dunia bukan untuk tinggal tetapi untuk pergi. Tidak ada seorang pun yang akan tinggal di dunia. Manusia sebenarnya berpindah dari satu alam ke satu alam yang lain. Dari alam rahim ibu ke alam dunia dan seterusnya ke alam kubur. Di alam kubur mereka akan menunggu sehingga 50,000 tahun hingga hari kiamat.

Keadaan menusia selepas mati berbeza-beza. Ada setengahnya mendapat kenikmatan dan ada yang menerima azab yang sangat pedih. Bagi orang yang hidup di dunia tanpa mengindahkan perintah Allah, mereka menerima azab yang tidak terperi. Bagi orang yang di dunia ini menundukkan hawa nafsunya dan mengikut perintah Allah, maka Allah akan 'ikram' kepada mereka dengan kehidupan yang penuh kenikmatan sehingga manusia tidak boleh mengira nikmat-nikmat Allah. Allah berfirman yang maksudnya,
"Wahai hambaKu, rasailah nikmat-nikmat Aku. Hamba-hamba itu berkata, 'apa lagi nikmat yang hendak Kamu beri ya Allah, di sisi kami masih banyak lagi nikmat-nikmat untuk kami."
Ruj: Petikan dari Bayan Asar oleh Maulana Ehsan

Hadith : Kelebihan Rasulullah s.a.w.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Hadhrat Umar (R.A) that the dear Prophet (saw) said,

"When Hadhrat Adam (A.S) committed the original sin he prayed to Allah 'In the name of Muhammad (saw), please forgive me'. Allah asked, ' And how do you know Muhammad (saw)?' Adam replied, 'Because when You created me with Your own hands, and blew Your Ruh into me, I looked up at the pillars of the Arsh (throne) and I saw 'La illaha illallah Muhammad ur Rasool Allah' written there. And I knew that you would not couple your name with anyone except the most beloved of Your creation.' Allah replied, 'O Adam, you are correct. For if it wasn't for Muhammad (saw) I would not have created you'."
Hadith narrated by Haakim, Ba'Haqqi and Tibrani, Abu Naeem, and Ibn Asaakir

Hadith : Kedudukan Seorang Muslim 1

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dari Aishah r.ha. meriwayatkan bahawa baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. memerintahkan kami supaya melayani orang mengikut kedudukan mereka.

Hadith riwayat Muslim

Dari Ibnu Abbas r.huma. meriwayatkan bahawa satu ketika baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. melihat ke arah kaabah lantas bersabda,
"(Dengan rasa takjub) Lailaha illallah. (Wahai Kaabah!) Betapa sucinya engkau! Betapa wanginya bauanmu, dan betapa tingginya kehormatanmu (tetapi) kehormatan seorang mukmin adalah lebih tinggi daripada kehormatanmu. Sesungguhnya Allah menjadikanmu dengan penuh kehormatan, (begitu juga) dengan harta seorang mukmin, darahnya dan kehormatannya yang tinggi dan patut dimuliakan. (Oleh kerana itu) maka haram seseorang itu bersangka buruk kepada seorang muslim yang lain."
Hadith riwayat Tabarani

Dari Jabir bin Abdullah r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda,
"Seorang muslim yang fakir akan memasuki syurga empat puluh tahun terlebih dahulu daripada seorang muslim yang kaya."
Hadith riwayat Tirmizi

Dari Abu Hurairah r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa baginda Raulullah s.a.w. bersabda,
"Orang-orang fakir akan memasuki syurga terlebih dahulu daripada orang-orang kaya dengan kadar setengah hari. Dan setengah hari bersamaan lima ratus tahun."
Hadith riwayat Tirmizi

Dari Abdullah bin Umar r.huma. meriwayatkan bahawa baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda,
"Pada hari kiamat kelak akan dihimpunkan sekalian manusia dan akan diseru kepada mereka: Dimanakah orang-orang fakir dan miskin di kalangan umat ini? Nabi bersabda: Mereka semua akan bangun dan dikatakan kepada mereka: Apakah yang engkau amalkan? Mereka akan menjawab: Wahai Allah! Engkau telah menguji kami (dengan kemiskinan) namun kami tetap bersabar. Engkau telah memberikan harta dan pemerintahan kepada orang selain daripada kami. Allah berfirman: Kamu bercakap benar! Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: Lantas mereka dimasukkan ke dalam syurga terlebih dahulu daripada orang lain. Dan tinggallah mereka dengan penghisaban yang keras di kalangan orang-orang yang kaya dan para pemerintah."
Hadith riwayat Ibnu Hibban

Hadith : Kesusahan dan Kesabaran Rasulullah s.a.w. Berdakwah/Fortitude and Perseverance

Dari Anas r.a. bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda,

"Kerana (mendakwahkan) agama, aku telah ditakut-takutkan yang mana tidak ada seorang pun yang ditakut-takutkan seperti itu, dan aku telah disakiti hingga tiada siapa yang disakiti seperti ini. Telah berlalu tiga puluh malam dan tiga puluh siang berturut-turut dalam keadaan tidak ada makanan sedikit pun yang boleh dimakan oleh benda bernyawa kecuali kadar yang boleh disembunyikan oleh ketiak Bilal. Yakni kadar yang terlalu sedikit."
Hadith riwayat Tirmizi

Anas (Allah be pleased with him) has related that the Holy Prophet (Peace be on him) said,
"In the Path of Allah I have been daunted and threatened more than any one else, and also I have been tortured more than any one else. Once I had to pass thirty days and nights in such dreadful want that Bilal and I had nothing that any living being would eat, except what little Bilal had kept hidden under his arm."
Ma'ariful-Hadis, Shama'il Tirmizi

Swine influenza, Avian influenza and Human flu

Friday, June 12, 2009

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Swine influenza (also called swine flu, hog flu, and pig flu) is an infection of a host animal by any one of several specific types of microscopic organisms called "swine influenza virus". A swine influenza virus (SIV) is any strain of the influenza family of viruses that is usually hosted by (is endemic in) pigs.[2] As of 2009, the known SIV strains are the influenza C virus and the subtypes of the influenza A virus known as H1N1, H1N2, H3N1, H3N2, and H2N3. Swine influenza is common in pigs in the midwestern United States (and occasionally in other states), Mexico, Canada, South America, Europe (including the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Italy), Kenya, Mainland China, Taiwan, Japan and other parts of eastern Asia.[2]
Transmission of swine influenza virus from pigs to humans is not common and does not always cause human influenza, often only resulting in the production of antibodies in the blood. The meat of the animal poses no risk of transmitting the virus when properly cooked. If transmission does cause human influenza, it is called zoonotic swine flu. People who work with pigs, especially people with intense exposures, are at increased risk of catching swine flu. In the mid-20th century, identification of influenza subtypes became possible, this allows accurate diagnosis of transmission to humans. Since then, fifty confirmed transmissions have been recorded, Rarely, these strains of swine flu can pass from human to human. In humans, the symptoms of swine flu are similar to those of influenza and of influenza-like illness in general, namely chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, severe headache, coughing, weakness and general discomfort.
The 2009 swine flu outbreak in humans is due to a new strain of influenza A virus subtype H1N1 that contains genes closely related to swine influenza.[3] The origin of this new strain is unknown. However, the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) reports that this strain has not been isolated in pigs.[4] This strain can be transmitted from human to human,[5] and causes the normal symptoms of influenza.[6]
Pigs can become infected with human influenza, and this appears to have happened during the 1918 flu pandemic[citation needed] and the 2009 swine flu outbreak.[citation needed]

Bird flu may refer to:
Biology and disease
Avian influenza, influenza endemic to birds.
Influenzavirus A, the causative agent for bird flu; the genus of the Orthomyxoviridae family. of viruses to which all viruses responsible for Avian influenza belongs to, but also includes viruses that are endemic to humans and other animals.
H5N1, a subtype of Influenza A virus endemic to birds, currently perceived as a significant emerging pandemic threat.

Avian influenza, sometimes Avian flu, and commonly Bird flu, refers to "influenza caused by viruses adapted to birds."[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] Of greatest concern is highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).
"Bird flu" is a phrase similar to "Swine flu," "Dog flu," "Horse flu," or "Human flu" in that it refers to an illness caused by any of many different strains of influenza viruses that have adapted to a specific host. All known viruses that cause influenza in birds belong to the species: Influenza A virus. All subtypes (but not all strains of all subtypes) of Influenza A virus are adapted to birds, which is why for many purposes avian flu virus is the Influenza A virus (note that the "A" does not stand for "avian").
Adaptation is non-exclusive. Being adapted towards a particular species does not preclude adaptations, or partial adaptations, towards infecting different species. In this way strains of influenza viruses are adapted to multiple species, though may be preferential towards a particular host. For example, viruses responsible for influenza pandemics are adapted to both humans and birds. Recent influenza research into the genes of the Spanish Flu virus shows it to have genes adapted to both birds and humans; with more of its genes from birds than less deadly later pandemic strains.

Human flu is a term used to refer to influenza cases caused by Orthomyxoviridae that are endemic to human populations (as opposed to infection relying upon zoonosis). It is an arbitrary categorization scheme, and is not associated with phylogenetics-based taxonomy. Human flu-causing viruses can belong to any of three major influenza-causing Orthomyxoviruses — Influenza A virus, Influenza B virus and Influenza C virus.
The annually updated trivalent influenza vaccine contains two hemagglutinin (HA) surface glycoprotein components from Influenza A virus strains and one from B influenza.
Most human flu is a non-pandemic flu that is slightly different from the main human flus that existed in last year's flu season period. This type of flu is also called "common flu" or "seasonal flu" or "annual flu". It causes yearly flu epidemics that are generally not deadly except to the very old or very young.

Hadith : 10 Wasiat Rasulullah s.a.w. kepada/to Mu'az bin Jabal

Mu'az bin Jabal berkata,

"Rasulullah s.a.w. telah mewasiatkan kepada saya mengenai sepuluh perkara. (1)Jangan menyengutukan Allah dengan sesuatu apapun walaupun kamu akan dibunuh atau dibakar. (2)Jangan kamu menderhakai kedua-dua ibu bapa kamu meskipun mereka menyuruh kamu berpisah dengan isteri dan harta-benda kamu. (3)Janganlah kamu meninggalkan solah fardu dengan sengaja kerana sesungguhnya sesiapa yang meninggalkan solah dengan sengaja maka dia terlepas daripada tanggungjawab Allah S.W.T. (4)Jangan sekali-kali minun arak kerana perbuatan ini adalah punca segala maksiat. (5)Jauhilah diri kamu daripada perbuatan maksiat kerana perbuatan ini akan menyebabkan kemurkaan Allah S.W.T. (6)Jangan lari dari medan pertempuran walaupun semua rakan kamu telah terbunuh. (7)Jangan berpindah dari tempat berlakunya kematian akibat wabak yang sedang merebak seperti taun dan sebagainya. (8)Belanjalah untuk keluarga kamu mengikut kemampuan kamu. (9)Jangan kamu mengelak daripada merotani anak-anak sebagai amaran supaya mereka berakhlak baik. (10)Takutkan mereka (anak-anak) kepada Allah S.W.T."
Hadith riwayat Imam Ahmad dan Tabarani

Rasulullah s.a.w. juga pernah bersabda,
"Tidak ada sesuatu pemberian hadiah yang lebih baik daripada seorang bapa kepada anaknya melainkan mengajar budi pekerti yang baik kepada mereka."
Ma'az bin Jabal (Radhiallaho anho) narrates:
"The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wassallam) enjoined upon me ten things, viz, 'Do not ascribe anything as partner to Allah, though you may be slain or burnt alive; do not diaobey your parents, though you may have to part with your wife or your entire wealth; do not neglect Fardh Salaat intentionally, for Allah is free from obligation to a person who neglects Fardh Solaat intentionally; do not take wine, for it is the root of every vise; do not commit disobedience of Allah, for that brings the warth of Allah. Do not turn your back to the enemy in battle, though all your comrades may have fallen. Do not fly from the locality where an epidemic has broken out. Do spend on your family members according to your capicity; let your stick be hanging over them, as a warning and to chastise them against neglect of their duties towards Allah."
Narrated by Ahmad and Tabarani

The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wassallam) said,
"No father can bestow anything better on his children than to teach them good manners."

WHO: Swine flu now a pandemic, 1st in 41 years

By MARIA CHENG and FRANK JORDANS,Associated Press Writers - Friday, June 12

GENEVA – Swine flu is now formally a pandemic, a declaration by U.N. health officials that will speed vaccine production and spur government spending to combat the first global flu epidemic in 41 years.

Thursday's announcement by the World Health Organization doesn't mean the virus is any more lethal _ only that its spread is considered unstoppable.

Since it was first detected in late April in Mexico and the United States, swine flu has reached 74 countries, infecting nearly 29,000 people. Most who catch the bug have only mild symptoms and don't need medical treatment.

WHO chief Dr. Margaret Chan made the long-awaited declaration after the U.N. agency held an emergency meeting with flu experts and said she was moving to phase 6 _ the agency's highest alert level _ which means a pandemic is under way.

"The world is moving into the early days of its first influenza pandemic in the 21st century," Chan said in Geneva.

Dr. Thomas Frieden, the new head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said in Atlanta that he does not expect widespread public anxiety in the United States as a result of the declaration, noting it came nearly two months after the virus was identified.

For many weeks, U.S. health officials have been treating it as a pandemic, increasing the availability of anti-viral flu medicines and pouring money into a possible vaccination program. And scientists have grown to understand that the virus is generally not much more severe than the seasonal flu.

"That helps to tamp down any fears that may be excessive," Frieden said at a news conference _ his first as CDC director.

But the virus can still be deadly and may change into a more frightening form in the near future, and so people should not be complacent, he added.

So far, swine flu has caused 144 deaths, compared with ordinary flu that kills up to 500,000 people a year.

The pandemic decision might have been made much earlier if WHO had more accurate information about swine flu's rising sweep through Europe. Chan said she called the emergency meeting with flu experts after concerns were raised that some countries, such as Britain, were not accurately reporting their cases.

Chan said the experts unanimously agreed there was a wider spread of swine flu than was being reported.

She would not say which country tipped the world into the pandemic, but WHO flu chief Keiji Fukuda said the situation from Australia seemed to indicate the virus was spreading rapidly there _ more than 1,300 cases were reported by Thursday.

In Chile, authorities have identified almost 1,700 cases to WHO.

Many health experts said the world has been in a pandemic for weeks but WHO became too bogged down by politics to declare one. In May, several countries urged WHO not to declare a pandemic, fearing it would cause social and economic turmoil. At the time, WHO said it would rewrite its pandemic definition to avoid announcing one.

But with the recent surge in cases across Europe, Chile, Australia and Japan, the agency was under increasing pressure to acknowledge a pandemic.

"This is WHO finally catching up with the facts," said Michael Osterholm, a flu expert at the University of Minnesota.

David Ropeik, an expert in risk perception and communication at Harvard University, says the word pandemic is less frightening than when emerged during worries about bird flu a few years ago.

He said the "soft buildup" to declaring swine flu a pandemic has been helpful.

"That allows people to get used to what is otherwise a scary word, understand the particulars of the disease, and that should mean reaction will be a little more information-based and a little less emotional," Ropeik said in an e-mail.

WHO will now recommend that pharmaceutical companies make swine flu vaccine. The agency typically recommends which flu strains drug companies should use in the vaccines. In a global outbreak, WHO also advises whether companies should make pandemic vaccine.

The decision to make pandemic vaccine is a gamble. Most flu vaccine makers cannot make both regular seasonal flu vaccine and pandemic vaccine at the same time. That means they must decide which one the world will need more.

Drug giant GlaxoSmithKline PLC said it could start commercial production of pandemic vaccine in July but that it would take months before large quantities are available.

Glaxo spokesman Stephen Rea said the company's first doses of vaccine would be reserved for countries who had ordered it in advance, including Belgium, Britain and France. He said Glaxo would also donate 50 million doses to WHO for poor countries.

Pascal Barollier, a spokesman for Sanofi-Aventis, said they were also working on a pandemic vaccine but WHO had not yet asked them to start making mass quantities of it.

WHO described the pandemic as "moderate." Fukuda said people should not get overly anxious about the virus. "Understand it, put it in context, and then you get on with things," he said.

Still, about half of the people who have died from swine flu were previously young and healthy _ people who are not usually susceptible to flu. Swine flu is also crowding out regular flu viruses. Both features are typical of pandemic flu viruses.

Swine flu is also continuing to spread during the start of summer in the northern hemisphere. Normally, flu viruses disappear with warm weather, but swine flu is proving to be resilient.

"What this declaration does do is remind the world that flu viruses like H1N1 need to be taken seriously," said U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, warning that more cases could crop up in the fall.

Now that a pandemic has been declared, some countries might be prompted to devote more money to containing the virus. Many developed countries have pandemic preparedness plans that link spending to a WHO declaration.

The U.N. is keen to avoid panic. "We must guard against rash and discriminatory action, such as travel bans or trade restrictions," said U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

Fear has already gripped Argentina, where thousands have flooded hospitals this week, bringing emergency health services in Buenos Aires to the brink of collapse during winter weather. Last month, a bus arriving in Argentina from Chile was stoned by people who thought a passenger had swine flu.

China has quarantined travelers, including New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, on the slightest suspicion of contact with an infected person.

The U.S. government has already increased the availability of flu-fighting medicines and authorized $1 billion for developing a new swine flu vaccine. In addition, new cases seem to be declining in many parts of the country, U.S. health officials say, as North America moves out of its traditional winter flu season.

Still, New York City reported three more swine flu deaths Thursday, including a child under 2, a teenager and a person in their 30s.

"Countries where outbreaks appear to have peaked should prepare for a second wave of infection," Chan warned.


AP Medical Writers Maria Cheng reported from London and Michael Stobbe contributed from Atlanta. Jordans reported from Geneva. Michael E. Miller in Mexico City, Edith Lederer in New York, Dikky Sinn in Hong Kong, Vincente L. Panetta in Buenos Aires, and Bradley S. Klapper and Eliane Engeler in Geneva also contributed.
ref:- Yahoo News

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Various Danish//Dutch news papers have published insulting material about our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Various Danish//Dutch news papers have published insulting material about our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Danish/Dutch products are never seen in USA. Most of Danish/Dutch products are consumed in Muslim and particularly Arab countries. We can take following steps to stop these inhuman and immoral acts.

1. We should avoid using Danish/Dutch products and use rivals/alternatives? We should give feedback on rivals/alternative product availability/quality/price to each other, so switching from Danish/Dutch products become natural and easy.

2. We can show/approach/write online to the rivals/competitor of the Danish/Dutch firms/products about willingness of Muslim Ummah for switching to rival products to Danish/Dutch products. Every MBA and marketing Muslim graduate should spent at least 30 minutes per week online and try to give online inputs to Business/Marketing Departments of Danish/Dutch rivals firms under these circumstances.

3. IT/Computer students/graduate can arrange free web hosting services and trouble free online Jihad for this purpose.

4. Most of the people do not know which are the products produced by Danish/Dutch firms. We should prepare following list for online distribution among masses on all our Blogs, Email Groups, friends and family. These can be published on Newspapers and broadcasted on TV also.
a. List of Danish/Dutch products
b. List of Danish/Dutch Brands
c. List of Danish/Dutch Firms
d. Danish/Dutch Firms revenue Generation and Sale information if available.

5. We can show bar code identification for Danish/Dutch/Dutch made products to all masses and fiends/family. All Muslim News paper/TV channels may be approached to Publish/Broadcast such information repeatedly.

6. We can go to the various online sites of different organizations like Human Rights, UN, Embassies and Amnesty International, various news papers, TV stations, Media etc in order to lodge our grievances to various authorities, columnist, writers, TV anchors and other watch dog agencies.

7. We can distribute all articles, themes written by various scholars, writers against publication of insulting material. We should circulate especially the articles written by Non Muslims in favor of Muslim Ummah.

8. Muslim ulma and scholars should be approached and requested to write on theme of Freedom of Expression and Respect of Religions according to Western rationale/logic and historic perspective without referring to Quran/Sunnah.

9. We can also register our signature to remove the insulting articles about our beloved Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), at the following site. /2/removal-of-the-pics-of –Muhammad

10. Success stories in this regard on respect of Ummah should also be celebrated publicly and disturbed online to all. Muslim Media students/graduate/firms should give extensive coverage to every minute success in this Jihad. Moreover live talk shows should be arranged for brainstorming for making strategy for tackling Danish/Dutch devils.

We should use our freedom of expression to announce to at least 10 persons per week that we love Prophet (PBUH) more than our lives and condemn the heinous acts of Danish/Dutch Newspapers. We can circulate this around the Globe to the whole Muslim ummah to ban Danish/Dutch made products and pressure Danish/Dutch to learn how to behave in the Global community.

Bare minimum requested from you is to forward this email to as many as people possible frequently.

FM Shah
ref:- here for Facebooker

Logiknya Solat dalam Sudut Pandangan Sains

Seorang professor fizik di Amerika Syarikat telah membuat satu kajian tentang kelebihan solat berjemaah yang disyariatkan dalam Islam. Katanya tubuh badan kita mengandungi dua cas elektrik iatu cas positif dan cas negatif. Dalam aktiviti harian kita sama ada bekerja, beriadah atau berehat, sudah tentu banyak tenaga digunakan.

Dalam proses pembakaran tenaga, banyak berlaku pertukaran cas positif dan cas negatif, yang menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan dalam tubuh kita. Ketidakseimbangan cas dalam badan menyebabkan kita rasa letih dan lesu setelah menjalankan aktiviti seharian. Oleh itu cas-cas ini perlu diseimbangkan semula untuk mengembalikan kesegaran tubuh ke tahap normal.

Berkaitan dengan solat berjemaah, timbul persoalan di minda professor ini mengapa Islam mensyariatkan solat berjemah dan mengapa solat lima waktu yang didirikan orang Islam mempunyai bilangan rakaat yang tidak sama.

Hasil kajiannya mendapati bilangan rakaat yang berbeza dalam solat kita bertindak menyeimbangkan cas-cas dalam badan kita. Semasa kita solat berjemaah, kita disuruh meluruskan saf, bahu bertemu bahu dan bersentuhan tapak kaki. Tindakan-tindakan yang dianjurkan semasa solat berjemaah itu mempunyai berbagai kelebihan.

Kajian sains mendapati sentuhan yang berlaku antara tubuh kita dengan tubuh ahli jemaah lain yang berada di kiri dan kanan kita akan menstabilkan kembali cas-cas yang diperlukan oleh tubuh. Ia berlaku apabila cas yang berlebihan - sama ada negatif atau positif akan dikeluarkan, manakala yang berkurangan akan ditarik ke dalam kita. Semakin lama pergeseran ini berlaku, semakin seimbang cas dalam tubuh kita.

Menurut beliau lagi, setiap kali kita bangun dari tidur, badan kita akan merasa segar dan sihat setelah berehat berapa jam. Ketika ini tubuh kita mengandungi cas-cas positif dan negatif yang hampir seimbang. Oleh itu, kita hanya memerlukan sedikit lagi proses pertukaran cas agar keseimbangan penuh dapat dicapai. Sebab itu, solat Subuh didirikan 2 rakaat.

Seterusnya, setelah sehari kita bekerja kuat dan memerah otak semua cas ini kembali tidak stabil akibat kehilangancas lebih banyak daripada tubuh. Oleh itu, kita memerlukan lebih banyak pertukaran cas. Solat jemaah yang disyariatkan Islam berperanan untuk memulihkan keseimbangan cas-cas berkenaan. Sebab itu, solat Zohor didirikan 4 rakaat untuk memberi ruang yang lebih kepada proses pertukaran cas dakam tubuh.

Situasi yang sama turut berlaku di sebelah petang. Banyak tenaga dikeluarkan ketika menyambung kembali tugas. Ini menyebabkan sekali lagi kita kehilangan cas yang banyak. Seperti mana solat Zohor, 4 rakaat solat Asar yang dikerjakan akan memberikan ruang kepada proses pertukaran cas dengan lebih lama.

Lazimnya, selepas waktu Asar dan pulang dari kerja kita tidak lagi melakukan aktiviti-aktiviti yang banyak menggunakan tenaga. Masa yang diperuntukkan pula tidak begitu lama. Maka, solat Maghrib hanya dikerjakan sebanyak 3 rakaat adalah lebih sesuai dengan penggunaan tenaga yang kurang berbanding 2 waktu sebelumnya.

Timbul persoalan di fikiran professor itu tentang solat Isyak yang mengandungi 4 rakaat. Logiknya, pada waktu malam kita tidak banyak melakukan aktiviti dan sudah tentu tidak memerlukan proses pertukaran cas yang banyak. Setelah kajian lanjut, didapati terdapat keistimewaan mengapa Allah mensyariatkan 4 rakat dalam solat Isyak. Kita sedia maklum, umat Islam amat digalakkan untuk tidur awal agar mampu bangun menunaikan tahajjud di sepertiga malam. Ringkasnya, solat Isyak sebanyak 4 rakaat itu akan menstabilkan cas dalam badan serta memberikan tenaga untuk kita bangun malam (qiamullail).

Dalam kajiannya, professor ini mendapati bahawa Islam adalah satu agama yang lengkap dan istimewa. Segala amalan dan suruhan Allah Taala itu mempunyai hikmah ynag tersirat untuk kebaikan umat Islam itu sendiri.Beliau merasakan betapa kerdilnya diri dan betapa hebatnya Pencipta alam ini. Akhirnya, dengan hidayah Allah beliau memeluk agama Islam.

Sekian untuk renungan kita bersama,petikan dari:

Seminar Pemurnian Al-Quran Daripada Penyalah Tafsiran

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


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Balai Polis Bukit Kepong

Bangunan balai polis ini adalah sebagai menggantikan bangunan balai polis lama yang musnah dalam kebakaran akibat serangan komunis 23
Februari 1950. Dalam serangan tersebut, seramai 17 orang anggota polis terbunuh. Gambar daripada bawah:-

- Jeti dan Sungai Muar di Bukit Kepong
- Bangunan balai polis daripada luar
- Pemandangan dalam daripada lubang menembak
- Pemandangan tembok daripada dalam
- Buku catatan dan laporan orang awam yang diterima polis antaranya dari tahun 1952

Hadith : Kebaikan Yang Boleh Dilakukan Setelah Kematian Bapa

Friday, June 5, 2009

Dari Abdullah bin Umar r.a.huma berkata, aku mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:

"Kebaikan yang paling besar selepas kematian bapa, ialah berbuat baik kepada orang yang ada hubungan dengan bapanya."
Hadith riwayat Muslim

Dari Abdullah bin Umar r.a.huma berkata, aku mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:
"Barangsiapa yang mahu supaya menjalin hubungan silaturrahmi dengan bapanya yang telah berapa di dalam kubur, hendaklah dia menghubungi saudara-mara bapanya dengan baik selepas kematiannya."
Hadith riwayat Ibnu Hibban

Hadith : Keredhaan Bapa dan Pintu Syurga Paling Baik

Dari Abu Darda r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:

"Bapa ialah di antara pintu-pintu syurga yang paling baik sekali. Bagimu terdapat pilihan samada kamu (menderhakainya dan kamu) merosakkan pintu tersebut atau (kamu mentaati dan menyukakannya), kamu telah menjaga pintu tersebut."
Hadith riwayat Tirmizi

Dari Abdullah bin Umar r.a.huma meriwayatkan bahawa nabi s.a.w. bersabda:
"Keredhaan Allah ialah di dalam keredhaan bapa, dan kemurkaan Allah ialah di dalam kemarahan bapa."
Hadith riwayat Tirmizi

Telefon Tandas

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Bagi mereka yang ingin mencari telefon tandas datanglah ke Angsana Johor Bahru kerana hanya di sini anda dapat menemuinya.

Masjid Mydin

Masjid Mydin, satu masjid yang comel loteh, kecil tetapi menyediakan berbagai kemudahan daripada ruang solat berhawa dingin, dewan dan pejabat. Ia terletak di persimpangan Jalan Lapang dan Jalan Sayang di Kembangan Singapura.

East Coast Beach Singapore

East Coast Beach di Singapura adalah pantai yang indah dan dipelihara. Ia lebih elok daripada Pantai Lido dan Pantai Stulang kerana bersih, luas, pantai yang panjang dan banyak kemudahan yang disediakan. Antara aktiviti yang boleh anda lakukan bersama ahli keluarga di sini adalah berbasikal (basikal boleh disewa di sini), BBQ (tempat membakar disediakan), futsal (kena booking n sewa lah), jogging (free jer), camping (pun free) dan lain-lain. Tempat letak kereta di sekitar pantai adalah percuma manakala ruang letak kereta dan motor di sekitar gerai makan perlu dibayar dengan meletakkan kupon. Bagi mereka yang ingin menginap disini, terdapat rumah-rumah rehat yang boleh disewa. Bilik air dan bilik mandi disediakan bagi mereka yang ingin mencuci badan setelah mandi laut dan berpeluh.

Pameran Buku di Wisma Indah Singapura

Pameran buku yang dianjurkan oleh Darul Andalus dan Pergas diadakan di ruang legar Masjid Kassim, Wisma Indah, Kembangan, Singapura. Ia adalah acara tahunan dan pada tahun ini ia berlangsung dari 29 May hingga 7 Jun 2009. Datanglah beramai-ramai bersama ahli keluarga anda untuk mendapatkan buku-buku idaman anda. Antara pempamer yang turut serta adalah Mirqat Al Fawzaan.

Pantai Stulang Johor Bahru

Even though it's said that the water is dirty, some pigeons are still landing at this beach. Even some parents got into the water. (Broken English)

Bangunan Bersejarah Melaka

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bangunan-bangunan lama dan bersejarah ini terletak di Bandar Melaka berhampiran Dataran Pahlawan.

Pusat Jualan Cenderahati Melaka

Ini adalah pusat jualan cendera hati dan mata di Melaka. Banyak barang-barang murah dari pakaian, makanan ringan dan barang-barang perhiasan. Barang-barang yang terdapat di tempat-tempat lawatan seperti Taman Rama-Rama, Zoo Buaya dan Mini Malaysia terdapat juga di sini malah lebih banyak pilihan. Harga yang ditawarkan sama dan tak banyak beza. Cuma cenderamata seperti produk rama-rama yang terdapat di Taman Rama-Rama tiada di sini.

Menara Tamingsari Melaka

Menara Tamingsari Melaka berungsi seperti lif yang membawa pelancong ke atas menara dengan 'piring terbang'nya. Bila dah sampai atas tu dia akan berpusing 360 darjah untuk pelancong melihat pemandangan sekeliling. Harga tiket RM10 seorang (dengo2 jer...). Tak naik pung ...

Muzium Samudera Melaka

Terdapat banyak barang-barang pameran di Muzium Samudera ini. Kalau nak diikutkan, jika anda seorang ulat buku dan suka membaca, 1 hari lawatan tak cukup sebab nak baca semua catatan dan keterangan barang pameran di muzium ni.

Masjid Al-'Azim Melaka

Masjid Al-'Azim terletak di MITC (tak tau apa). Dahulunya terletak dikawasan lapang yang tiada pembangunan di sekelilingnya. Tetapi telah diangkat oleh jin ke kawasan yang penuh dengan bangunan ini ...


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